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Parental substance abuse is destroying families

The Arizona Department of Economic Security in America has reported that the main reason for children being taken into foster care is due to parental substance abuse. Most cases involve one or both parents abusing alcohol or illegal drugs to the point that they can no longer safely raise their children.

In 2012, 10,141 children in Arizona were taken into care; of these, at least 59% had a parent or parents who were abusing drugs or alcohol that had led to maltreatment of the child.

In recent years the number of children taken into care has increased. AmeriPsych, a foster home licensing agency, explained that there is now much more focus on monitoring mothers with babies that are born with substance abuse.

“There’s more of a focus on keeping track of parents with babies that are born with substance abuse,” says Jinny Ludwig, executive director at AmeriPsych’s Northern Arizona office. “More immediate action is being taken.”

In February 2013 the NSPCC published a Spotlight paper on drugs and alcohol. The report stated that in England there are around 79,000 babies under the age of one year with a parent who is classified as a ‘harmful’ or ‘hazardous’ drinker. Around 43,000 babies have a parent who has used an illegal drug in the last year.

Babyhood is the most vulnerable time for children. If a mother is incapable of looking after a baby for a single day, the consequences can be fatal. Babies are seven times more likely to die due to parental substance abuse than older children.

Drug and alcohol abuse destroys family life everywhere in the world.

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